Year 2018 we relocated the entrance so first you will come to the entrance before you can park your car. Please have tickets and your ID ready because this year we will assist you while you are in the car. If you don’t have a prepaid ticket make sure you have cash. We are cash free after midnight at the entrance.
Bring cash, since we have no ATMs or card use, so you can buy food and shop at the market area, there is going to be lots of alternative cool shops, don't miss it! The closest ATM is in Tidaholm or Hjo, about 15 km from the festival area.
​Its 2km from the festival and camping area. It takes about 30 minutes to walk to the festival. IMPORTANT! If you have a lot to carry or children we suggest you bring a wheel barrow, push bikes or similar to make your way to the festival because we can no longer provide transportation from parking to festival area.
NOTE! Due to limited parking space we encourage our guests to car-pool or take public transportation if possible.
We will have forest toilets available at the festival site. For those who decide to use the forest, this is how it should be done:
Nr 1 - Please be aware! Do not wee near the creek!
Nr 2 – Go far away from the festival area! Dig a hole in the ground big enough to contain all your waste, cover your waste very well, including the toilet paper, so none will accidentally step on it.
Respect the nature, keep it clean and leave no trace!
We have a large area for tent camping with many flat meadow spots in between the beautiful pine forest. The tent camping area is divided into three zones: A regular area, a quiet area and an area for families with children. You are welcome to set up your camp on arrival in the area that suits you best. In addition we have a limited number of caravan camping spots which is closer to the festival grounds than the parking area but further away than the tent area so there will be a small walk to the festival site. These caravan spots are reserved for people with disabilities and families with children. You can write to us through the Contact Us form on this website if you wish to book a spot for your caravan.
​REMEMBER! Please bring all your belongings with you from your campsite when you leave the festival. It takes a lot of work to clean-up after the festival and some things left behind may not be found even though we try our best. This pollutes the forest and puts great stress on the ecosystems. So help us protect this beautiful place and the beings in it, thank you.
We provide drinking water, but it is always good if you come with your own water supply as well. In the forest there is a small creek but we do not take any responsibility for the water “safety”. We personally drink from it and it’s never been a problem as far as we know, but we suggest you to collect water where the stream is running (please don’t use soap or toothpaste in the creek). Thank you.
Midsummer often blesses us with rain, so be prepared for it, the ground can get very muddy so gumboots are the best!
Yes it is summer but believe us, especially at night time, in Bäckabo forest, the temperature drops a lot and it gets very cold, we recommend you to take warm clothes, sleeping bags and blankets for your campsite.
Gnat and mosquitoes usually are at the festival; their bites are very itchy and if bitten multiple times can result in swelling. Consider bringing repellents and a light scarf or net to protect your face.
It is a good idea to bring earplugs with you. They can be very useful when you need a break from the loud music or when you want to sleep.